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built for library patrons & staff
Our products are designed by people who have worked for and with libraries. Every aspect has a purpose and a goal – to positively impact libraries, staff, and patrons.
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event & room managementLibraryCalendar is a robust event management and room reservation software suite specifically designed to meet the diverse needs of public libraries. It provides a simple management interface for your staff and an elegant, intuitive experience for your patrons.

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Why Your Library Needs a Style Guide
When creating a new brand (or revamping an existing one), it’s essential to provide staff with the tools they need to develop consistent, on-brand messaging. A new brand and marketing strategy is pretty limited if staff and stakeholders don’t have the knowledge and tools needed to communicate that brand and tone effectively. Without consistency and constancy of messages, the best strategy will ultimately fail.

LibraryCalendar: Designed with Your Library in Mind
As COVID-19 numbers drop and vaccination rates increase across the US, libraries are looking forward to resuming regular services like in-person programs and room reservations. If your library doesn’t already have calendar software built specifically for public libraries, now is an excellent time to consider making that transition.

Promoting Summer Reading on Your Library Website - FREE DOWNLOADS!
As summer approaches, libraries everywhere are gearing up for programming: special events, themed displays, and summer reading. Let's chat about how to promote this programming on your library's website.

Navigation Best Practices for Your Library Website
One of the first big decisions in a website project is choosing a menu style: traditional or mega. Traditional, or "simple," menus have primary menu categories with secondary menu items linked underneath. Mega menus have an extra level added so that there are primary and secondary labels and a tertiary level with links.

Organizing Third-Party Resources for Research, Online Learning, and Download/Stream on Your Library Website
The amount of content that goes into a library website can be overwhelming. The variety and quantity of resources can make it difficult for patrons to navigate to, and through, your 3rd-party resources. Let's talk about organizing these resources for your patrons.

Taking Advantage of UTM Tacking Codes with Google Analytics for your Library Website & Digital Campaigns
UTM codes are a snippet of text that you can add to a link that communicates to Google Analytics more information about your traffic, which Analytics stores under the Campaigns tab.